Our Caussanel Province takes the Gospel message to various corners of the south India. It has 99 members at present.
The communities consist of group of religious men who live a common life by pronouncing the three vows; Poverty, Chastity and obedience. There are 17 communities in the Province.
Our Caussanel Province has various institutions that offer Formal and non-formal educational programs, Management and Administrative programs as well as social awareness trainings. Our institutions aim at helping the children to get in touch with the world. There are 54 institutions in our Province.
The Commissions provide support to our Brothers to transform the society into a disciplined, credible and effective community responsiveness. Our Province has 4 Commissions. 1. Education 2. Formation & Spirituality 3. Social Action & Evangelization 4. Finance & Administration.
The Directory contains a list of Brothers and their responsibility at their respective communities.
A General Chapter meeting of the Sacred Heart Brothers is always a major event. This year's 14th General Chapter in history is unique in a number of respects.
The Constitution and Statues is the basic guidelines for the Sacred Heart Brothers to live their day-to-day life fruitfully.
The Head of the Caussanel Province is Bro. A. Stephen Arockiasamy SHJ. He was elected in 2021 for a three year term.